Founded in Amsterdam in 2016 by Fernando Oliveira, ANT- Physical Theatre Company is a visionary endeavor that merges classical and contemporary influences across various art forms including dance, theater, and music improvisation.
One of the company's distinctive features lies in the diverse cultural backgrounds of its performers and the diverse mediums of art they employ. This amalgamation enables the creation of truly unique performances that engage in an ongoing dialogue with societal events. Symbolically represented by the name ANT, the company embodies the collective effort and unified vision of its collaborators, reflecting a multitude of perspectives. Over the past seven years, ANT has successfully produced fifteen performances, garnering acclaim from both critics and audiences alike.
ANT was established by a social artist—a multifaceted individual who embodies elements of an artist, a catalyst for social change, a facilitator, and a visionary. Since 2018, ANT has formed a partnership with Nassau Kerk, a permanent sanctuary space for research and development, as well as for showcasing their work.
Drawing on artistic practice, social dynamics, and innovative formats, ANT strives to effect change through its creative endeavors. The company's performing arts program is designed to ensure accessibility to art, music, and theater for all residents of Amsterdam, irrespective of economic or social backgrounds. Through their performances, ANT actively fosters connections and bridges the multicultural nature of Amsterdam.
This multicultural facet resonates not only within the diversity of actors and dancers, but also in the inspiration behind the shows and the engagement of the audience.
TRANSA (2022)
Transa is our poetic document to analyze this modern world. Inspired by the book Liquid Love: On the Frailty of Human Bonds by Zygmunt Bauman, and vibrating within the William Shakespeare univers.
Transa: the translation of the Portuguese word means to adjust for the achievement of a certain objective; an agreement, combination, emotional, or sexual connection. (colloquially, to fuck)
Performers: Rebecca Lillich Krüger & Fernando Oliveira
Artist Advisor: Türkü Köksel
Photos: Jasmine Melrose
Raízes (2021- 2022)
The Portuguese word "Raízes"(roots) means the basis, essential connection between people, the inherent bond within families that binds people together. RAíZES is a physical theater piece inspired by Brazilian and Spanish cultures and folklore, that combines dance, live music, and a splendidly ritualistic soundtrack.
The idea of poetic time - a concept inspired by the popular and contemporary dances of each representative country - was utilized to create a dynamic narrative by using nonlinear scenes and to show how symbols, images, sounds, and movements are connected and interpreted. The idea for this project came out as a means of thinking poetically about the cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity of the artist, and this very complex moment.
Concept: Fernando Oliveira
Performers: Candela Murillo, Fernando Oliveira, Teresa Santos
Photos: Michiel Goudswaard
Costume advice: Lisellotte Mol
Light designer/Sound design and sound research: Fernando Oliveira
Production: ANT Physical Theater
Support by Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds , Nassaukerk Amsterdam & Bodegas Más Que Vinos.
30 Minutes
OCT 2021
A living poetic document to our grief and hope during this period, a reflection on our distance from loved ones and the space-times lived within the various realities of Amsterdam itself.
Director : Fernando Oliveira
Dancers: Isabelle Nelson , Jort Faber and Rebecca Lillich, Fernando Oliveira
In Partnership with the Nassaukerk
Supported by the Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst
Special thanks to Bart Treffers and the Nassaukerk, as well as our collaborators Lise Lotte Emma Reina and Jas Melrose
BACH project _Cello Suites No.1 & No.2
BACH project - Cello Suites No.1 and No.2 by ANT Physical Theatre Company
This performance highlights the bond between the five dancers and their different movement language. As the five men improvise their dance movements around cellist Camillo Cabassi, they transform the architectural space with their sounds and their bodies. Each of the dance scenes in the performance is created to counteract or emphasise the movements of the suites(Cello Suites No.1 and No. 2), creating juxtapositions or symbiotic relationships with the; prelude allemande, courante, sarabande, minuet and gigue.
Concept Fernando Oliveira
Muziekcompositie Johan Sebastian Bach
Cellist Camillo Cabassi
Dancers: Corneliu Ganea, Dario Mendes, Fernando Oliveira, Ralf Westerhof & Tom Goldhand
May 2019
LXXV 75 Jaar Jubileumconcert
Pro Musica Bussum - A theatrical performance of the contemporary and musically challenging Sunrise Mass by the young Norwegian composer Ola Gjeilo. Second part of the 75 year anniversary concert of Pro Musica performed on November 21, 2018 in the Hilversum Music Center of the Broadcasting.
Sunrise Mass by Ola Gjeilo , Muzikale leiding - Stephan Pas , Regie - Hans van Breugel
Choreografische samenwerking - ANT Physical Theatre - Fernando Oliveira
Dancers - Fernando Oliveira en Fabiana Carchesio
Concertmeester - Matthij van der Wel
November 2018
Duet - Fernando Oliveira & François Lambret
The artists interrogate notions of movement, rhythm and improvisation in a mutual resonance.
What is the impulse of a sound or gesture, what makes it mute or evolve through one's stage identity.
Dancer: Fernando Oliveira
Piano: François Lambret
Teatro Munganga - Amsterdam, NL
June 2018
Flourishes & Luchthuis
The Luchthuis has been set up as a meditation place and can also serve as a stage or private meeting place (tea house, brainstorming location, etc.). It is suitable for one person with a maximum of two guests. The performance is inspired by the universe and the subtlety of the black-and-white cartoons of Mark Schalken, founder of Het Luchthuis. Two dancers will use Het Luchthuis as a stage to explore the possibilities of movement in it. They also bring influence from Brazilian dance to compose the movement and bring the artist's stories to life.
They cordially invite the audience to participate in the performance. Welcome, discover the poetry of Het Luchthuis
The Luchthuis is an art project by Mark Schalken
Flourishes / Concept by Fernando Oliveira
Dancers / Makers: Fernando Oliveira and Jos Daamen
Vuurol festival (Lage Vuursche) Utrecht, NL
May 2018
The Improper
The improper is a physical theater piece inspired by the poem 'In a straight line' by Fernando Pessoa
Performance & creation by Fernando Oliveira
Soeverein Theater - Tropenmuseum Amsterdam, NL
December 2018
Let me, love me, leave me, look at me
This performance is the result of the physical theater course (2016 -2017) led by Fernando Oliveira.
About the performance
After the door to the party opens, people come and people go. Five are left. Do they know each other?
Do they want to know each other? Inside them hide their histories, outside shows their masks. Do they tell their stories to connect,
to vent, to brag, to persuade or to play?
When people get closer and the circle closes, who steps in first, and who steps out?
Performers: Doutzen Koopmans, Gustaaf Wijnker, Luis Durán, Katharina Wroblewski & Nina van Veen
Director Fernando Oliveira
Soeverein Theater - Tropenmuseum Amsterdam, NL
December 2017
Exploratory solo with dance moves inspired by Harpsichord Concert in F Minor music of J.S. Bach.
Lachthuis by Mark Schalken
De 1800 Roeden - Amsterdam, NL
September 2017
A dancer an actrice and a musician go on an adventures journey to explore which world they can create via music and dance.
During their travel, a girl finds a very boring newspaper, but then suddenly it turns out to be not so boring at all.
An little creature walks out of the newspaper, birds are joining them and the floor becomes a nice drawing.
With beautiful Intalian, Portugees and Brazilian music combined with modern dance.
Concept: Fernando Oliveira
Acting and vocals: Kim de Stella
Harp/vocals: Francesca Lai
Teatro Munganga - Amsterdam, NL
October 2017
Kind of Blue
Kind of blue is a physical theatre performance which is part of the project Zwaan Kleef.
Creation & Performance Fernando Oliveira
Jerusalem Chapel - Gouda, NL
March 2017
Interactive/physical theater show inspired by kids and for kids.
Director: Fernando Oliveira
Cast: Athina kazouri, Nasatsja Bode, Nina van Veen & Fernando Oliveira
Theaterfestival Vuurol - Utrecht, NL
June 2016
ANT Guest Artists